1. How old is Ariel in the movie?
15 161718
2. What does Ariel call Flounder when he is easily scared?
A scaredy-catfishA big babyA guppyA fishy
3. How many sisters does Ariel have?
4. What gift does Grimsby give to Eric on his birthday?
A statueA pipeA paintingA cake
5. What does Scuttle call a fork?
A dinglehopperAn eaterlotterA brushermopperA snarfblat
6. What is the name of the young woman Ursula disguises herself as?
7. What is the special meal chef Louis prepares for Ariel on her first day in Eric's castle?
Lobster soupFish saladGrilled fishStuffed crab
8. Who snatches the shell necklace from Ursula during the wedding?
9. What makes Ariel swim to the surface, where Eric's ship is passing?
She sees its shadowShe hears the fireworksFlounder tells her toSomething from the ship falls into the water
10. What is the expression Sebastian uses when he sees Eric's mighty ship?
GazooksJiminy CricketJumping jellyfishHoly harpfish Score:
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