1. What name does Cinderella give Gus (telling him he'll be called Gus for short)?
2. From what dream does Cinderella wake the dog, Bruno?
Chasing Lucifer, the catTearing through the flowers in the gardenRipping Anastasia and Drizella's shoes to shredsStealing a piece of meat from Lady Tremaine's plate
3. What does the King throw though a palace window in his anger?
An inkpotA vaseHis crownHis left shoe
4. What musical instrument does Anastasia play?
The fluteThe pianoThe triangleThe violin
5. What chore does Cinderella do while singing 'Sing Sweet Nightingale'?
Cleaning the chimneySweeping the stairsWashing the downstairs windowsWashing the hall floor
6. Which of Cinderella's animal friends does the Fairy Godmother transform into a footman?
GusJaqBruno the dogMajor the horse
7. What color is the interior of the coach that takes Cinderella to the ball?
8. What unflattering name does the King call the Duke at the ball?
A brazen know-nothingA pompous windbagA presumptuous doltAn impertinent meddler
9. What does Lady Tremaine offer the Duke after he reads the royal proclamation?
A seat by the fireA tour of the houseSome teaSome cake
10. What excuse does Anastasia NOT give for the glass slipper's not fitting her?
Dancing at the ball all nightThe slipper has shrunkIt's just nervesA glass shoe isn't always reliable Score:
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