Beast and the Prince Clip Art Images

all-original free transparent images (gif images and PNG images with transparent backgrounds) of the Beast / Prince Adam and the horse Philippe from Disney's classic animated movie Beauty and the Beast

Last updated July 1st 2023

Terms of Use: These images were drawn (by tracing) and/or colored by, and are for non-commercial use. When sharing, include a source or credit link. Don't redistribute/upload as part of a bulk collection of images.

Attribution is required online. Please use the link below. Thank you for your support!

  • Prince Adam with Philippe
  • Beast standing over the enchanted rose on the table
  • Beast growling
  • Beast
  • Fierce Beast wearing his cape
  • Beast crawling
  • Beast reading
  • Beast tip-toeing
  • The Beast
  • Beast with an eye on the enchanted rose
  • Beast holding a rose
  • Beast holding a rose
  • Injured Beast
  • Angry Beast
  • Beast with birds all over him
  • Beast smiling
  • Beast's face
  • Beast smiling in the mirror
  • Beast taking a bath
  • Beast getting a haircut
  • Beast looking ridiculous
  • Beast looking dapper in his suit
  • Beast posing in his suit
  • Beast looking dashing
  • Beast bowing
  • Beast bowing
  • Beast looking into the mirror
  • Cupid's arrow falling on Beast's head
  • Beast posing
  • Prince Adam
  • Prince Adam looking dashing
  • Prince Adam posing

Beauty and the Beast Clip Art


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