Higitus figitus zumba ka zing
I want your attention every thing!
We're packing to leave; come on let's go
No, no not you; books are always first, you know
Hockety pockety wockety wack
Abra cabra dabra nack
Shrink in size very small
We've got to save enough room for all
Higitus figitus migitus mum
Alica fez balaca zez
Malaca mez meripides
Hockety pockety wockety wack
Odds and ends and bric-a-brac
Dum doodly doodly doodly dum
Higitus figitus migitus mum
Higitus figitus migitus mum
Lyrics transcribed by Disneyclips.com
Composed by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
Performed by Karl Swenson as Merlin
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