There's momsey tiggers
And popsey tiggers
And tiggers I never knew
Like sister tiggers
And brother tiggers
And cousin tiggers too
There's grandma tiggers
And grandpa tiggers
As you can plainly see
When we're all together it's a jumping jamboree
Round, round the family tree
I look like them and they look like me
Round, round my family tree
We're a happy family
There's huge slews of nephew tiggers
Uncle tiggers by the ton
There's whippersnappin' great, great grandpappy tiggers
And grandma tiggers are fun
There's skinny, little, tiny, little, thin, little tiggers
Roly-poly tiggers too
But we're all relations
And we're quite a mighty crew
Round, round my family tree
I look like them and they look like me
Round, round my family tree
We're a happy family
Round my family tree
We're a happy family
The firstest most roots of my family tree
Reach way back in history
To the braverest, fiercerest noblerest tiggers you'd ever care to see
The heroicest tiggers of my ancestor tiggers
Have always been hailed and cheered
And the scuplturous grace of our tiggerous faces is why we're all revered
There were warrior tiggers, explorier tiggers and tiggers of worldly acclaim
There were glorious phantasmagorious tiggers
With prizes and fortunes and fame
There's the glamorous branch and the amorous branch of our fabulous family tree
And when we sing together we're in perfect harmony
Round and round my family tree
I look like them and they look like me
Round and round my family tree
We're a happy family
There's momsey tiggers
And popsey tiggers
And tiggers I never knew
Like uncle tiggers
And nephew tiggers
And grandma tiggers too
And when we tiggers all get together
We really have a ball
The bounciest, trounciest, flounciest, pounciest
Most tiggerificist family reunion of all
Lyrics transcribed by
Composed by Robert B. Sherman, Richard M. Sherman
Performed by Jim Cummings as Tigger, with chorus
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