101 Dalmatians Puppies Clip Art 6

all-original free transparent images (gif images and PNG images with transparent backgrounds) of Lucky, Dipstick, Two-Tone, Jewel, Penny and other puppies from Disney's 101 Dalmatians

Last updated January 2nd 2017

Terms of Use: These images were drawn (by tracing) and/or colored by Disneyclips.com, and are for non-commercial use. When sharing, include a source or credit link. Don't redistribute/upload as part of a bulk collection of images.

Attribution is required online. Please use the link below. Thank you for your support!

  • Puppies playing in tire swing
  • Puppies looking at picture
  • Puppies looking at Pongo, Perdita portrait
  • Lucky, other puppies leaping
  • Puppies running
  • Puppies watching tv
  • Puppies balloon
  • Puppy tower
  • Puppy sleeping
  • Puppies sleeping
  • Puppies on toy horse
  • Jewel, other puppies rolling down in wagon
  • Dipstick, other puppies playing
  • Penny, puppy standing
  • Puppies in paint
  • Puppies on couch
  • Puppies taking a bath
  • Puppies playing
  • Puppies in moving box
  • Puppies in mail bag
  • Puppies, sheep

101 Dalmatians Clip Art


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