Movie Synopsis
Set 65 million years ago, Dinosaur tells the story of Aladar, an iguanadon who is separated from his own kind and raised by a clan of lemurs, including the wisecracking Zini and the compassionate Plio. When a meteor shower destroys their home, Aladar and his family follow a herd of dinosaurs heading for the safety of the "nesting grounds." along the way, Aladar befriends Baylene, an elderly brachiosaur; Eema, an unstoppable styracosaurus; and Neera, a feisty fellow iguanadon. Together, they must stand strong amidst food and water shortages, the threat of carnotaur attacks, and Aladar's run-ins with the herd's stubborn leader, Kron.
Cast of Characters / Credits
Aladar | D.B. Sweeney |
Kron | Samuel E. Wright |
Suri | Hayden Panettiere |
Baylene | Joan Plowright |
Neera | Julianna Margulies |
Plio | Alfre Woodard |
Zini | Max Casella |
Eema | Della Reese |
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