Snow White's Story
Snow White's father, a widowed king, remarried a woman practised in witchcraft. Following the king's death, this woman, known as Queen Grimhilde, the Evil Queen or simply the Queen, grew so fearful that Snow White's beauty would surpass her own that she forced the princess to work as a scullery maid.
The Queen would consult the slave in her Magic Mirror day after day, asking it again and again "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" At last, the Magic Mirror proclaimed young princess Snow White "the fairest one of all", sending the Queen into a jealous rage.

In the movie, Snow White first appears in rags, scrubbing the steps in the castle courtyard. This leads to the movie's first song "I'm Wishing", which Snow White sings while drawing water from a well. The Prince arrives soon after and begins to serenade her with "One Song".
The Queen sees all this from her window and, consumed with envy, orders her huntsman to kill her stepdaughter. But the hunstman can't bring himself to kill the innocent girl. He reveals to her the Queen's wicked plot, and urges her to flee for her life into the nearby forest.
Eventually lost and overcome with fear, Snow White collapses and begins to cry, but is soon approached by many animals, such as rabbits, birds, deer and racoons, who comfort her and lead her to the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs. They help her clean the cottage to the tune of "Whistle While You Work" and cook a meal in preparation for the return of the dwarfs, miners by trade.

When the men return to find her asleep in their beds, they are instantly charmed by her beauty. She wakes up and, after introducing herself and telling her story, begs them to stay, offering to continue to cook and clean for them in exchange, and they agree.
It isn't long before Snow White becomes good friends with the seven dwarfs, even winning over the suspicious, cynical Grumpy. They all have a great deal of fun together, dancing cheerfully while singing "The Silly Song", and later Snow White tells them about her true love, the Prince, and sings to them the song "Someday My Prince Will Come".

After the Queen finds out that Snow White is alive and well and in hiding at the cottage, she disguises herself as an old beggar woman and creates a poisoned apple that sends its victim into "sleeping death", a curse that can be broken only by "love's first kiss".
The witch slowly makes her way to the cottage with the apple in a basket on her arm. She appears at the kitchen window, startling Snow White, who is baking a pie. Offering her a "magic wishing apple", she tricks the trusting girl into taking a bite of the poisoned apple, which sends her into a death-like sleep.

Witnessing this, the animals immediately alert the dwarfs, who rush home from their work at the diamond mine to find the Queen on her way out the cottage door. They chase furiously after her to the edge of a cliff. Trapped, she attempts to roll a boulder over them, but a bolt of lightning breaks the rock where she's standing, and sends her over the edge.
The dwarfs can't find it in their hearts to bury Snow White and instead place her in a glass coffin in a clearing and keep vigil by her side.
Months later, in the Spring, the Prince learns of the maiden who sleeps in the glass coffin and rides to her. He gives her "Love's First Kiss" which breaks the curse and awakens the princess. The two ride off to his castle, where they live happily ever after.